Thought I would share the picture that Chris and I had taken at our company Christmas party...I'm not a huge fan of that tacky Christmas tree backdrop, but I do think it turned out to be a pretty good picture of the two of us...
And then! Check out the furniture below! It's exactly what we've had in mind for the redo of our bedroom. And where is this from? Target! They've got a whole new section there with a lot of awesome stuff. Kind of Pier One style. And fairly cheap too. Something to think about. Of course, we don't have the money for it now, plus we can really only redo one room at a time! Right now is the kitchen, but I'm drooling over this stuff!!

So...my mom and Randy got the house they wanted, don't know if I mentioned that. She is so dang excited, and I am so happy for them!!! It will be so good to get some more space, get out of the apartment complex, and start their life together there. Yay!!
Am excited for next Monday, I have a Girl's Movie Night planned...we've decided to see The Family Stone with Sarah Jessica Parker...can't wait!! Am still DYING to see RENT and Memoires of a Geisha, but can't get anyone to go see either with me! :(
And that's about all I've got tonight...ta ta!!
Let me know what you think of Family Stone ~ I really liked it.
Enjoyed reading the "hodge podge" today! Loving that furniture at Target also! That has Kelley and Chris written all over it!!
Yeah yeah yeah yeah to your Mom and Randy on the house. I am so excited for them! I know they will the new house beautifully "their" home and start a great life together.
That furniture is so you! You'll have it soon, I just know it. And I'm just tickled for your Mom and Randy-didnt' know they were getting a house. It will be a great new start for them.
I'd go see Memoirs with you, but it's too far to drive. ; (
I saw the Family Stone and loved it. I think you will too.
As you know, I'm still furnishing my house so that's a great place to look. I never would have thought of Target for big pieces like that. Thanks!
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