Love Girl's Night out at the movies! One of my favorite things!
Tonight we saw The Family Stone with Sarah Jessica Parker...I was expecting a real comedy, and though there were some really funny parts, I wouldn't call this one a comedy. The first half is funny, when the family is snubbing her...but then the second half took a turn that I wasn't really expecting. There was sadness thrown in there, big life changes, and a lot of whacky "no way" moments. More than anything, this movie left me feeling a little wrung out. And Sarah Jessica Parker's character, the tightly strung one, really hit too close to home for me. I saw a lot of myself in her. It was interesting (and a bit depressing) to see someone like that, not having any fun in life. It made me a little glum...for what I have become...
So, a decent movie, but not the laugh-fest I was hoping for!
Want to hear some fantastic news!? Friday night Chris and I are going on a movie date! I am so thrilled. I love going to the movies, but it's one of those things that he could do without. And he's agreed to see Memoirs of a Geisha, which I am dying to see! Woo hoo!! I better not be let down! :)
So, it's a good week...and will be perfect as our monthly crop is this weekend too! Can't wait for that! I am hoping to get a lot accomplished...AND stick to my diet! :)
Hey there! Bummer that the moive wasn't like you thought it was going to be. Date night on Friday sounds WONDERFUL!!! Got to love dates with your sweetheart!
I saw The Family Stone a couple weeks ago and I really liked it. I expected a little more comedy, too, but I love a good drama and this was definitely that. Whenever guys cry in movies it really gets me. So, of course, this one made me cry. I thought it was really well acted and quite sad at times. The ending was really touching, though. I liked it. :) Definitely not the vibe you get from watching the preview for the movie, though. They make it out to seem like it will be more of a comedy.
Let us know how you like Memoirs of a Geisha.
It really ticks me off when movie previews make a movie seem like a comedy when it isn't....exactly. When if I knew what to expect going in, I might have really like it, rather than feeling let down.
Hopefully Memoirs will be better. Just remember...the movie is rarely ever as good as the book!
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