April 21, 2009

just a tuesday

:: Got up to 90 degrees today! Such a beautiful day. And up to 97 tomorrow...whew! Definitely time to break out the skirts and sandles...

:: Supremely busy at work today, but happy to report it was a much better day.

:: Aspen is no longer running in a high school meet this Thursday...dang! Apparently, some of the high schools complained, and it was determined that if Aspen (or James, an 8th grader in the track club) ended up winning their races, it would create a problem with the UIL, and they could be suspended for a year or something. Definitely don't want that! But it sure would've been nice to see her run against the high school talent...

:: Looks like this weekend we'll be staying in town and Aspen will go on her Band Six Flags day trip. It would've been better if the Govenor's 5k in Austin was a different weekend, but that's the way life goes. So, plans are on for a birthday dinner at the Beehive on Friday, Six Flags all day Saturday for Aspen and a crop day for me. Sunday we will all be recooping!

:: Getting my hair cut on Thursday and am so ready. It just gets to a point where it is so long and cumbersome, I can't stand it!! That point tends to hit swiftly, one day it's fine and the next I can not bear it. Will most likely be doing my normal shoulder-length cut...and this time, I need to keep up with it. I always cut it, and then it grows out to the point where I can't stand it. A vicious circle. I really like it when it's shoulder-length, and I tend to wear it down a bit more. Will try to keep it that way...

:: Need to finish up some annual report covers...I designed it with a hand tear on the cover, and that means some hands-on time for me...

1 comment:

Jackie said...

So am I understanding it right that Aspen and this other child are so good the high schools don't want to compete against them? WOW!! What a compliment. And it stinks that she doesn't get to run, but it took a possibly tough decision out of her hands. She'll have fun at Six Flags...

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