January 29, 2015

:: I can see Friday on the horizon and that makes me very happy. I'd like to find some peaceful moments this weekend...somehow, someway.

:: Started reading "Unbroken" last night, and it is interesting so far. I think it is going to be great, we shall see!

:: I had a great workout this evening...and food is going well! No sugar, no dairy, no beans/peanuts, no grains...Whole30 starts on Sunday!!!! (Which, we'll be at a Super Bowl party, so that should be interesting for day 1!!!!)

:: Still addicted to solitaire -- I may need to remove that from my kindle!

:: This weekend, I need to get things ready for my upcoming scrapbook retreat!!! I am so excited for it to finally be here. Please please say a prayer that I am healthy when the 6/7/8th hits because our office has so many cases of the flu it is nuts. If I get sick for the retreat I will be ticked!!! I need to get a back up light bulb for my OttLite craft lamp, in case this one goes out. I need to also plan out my food for the retreat, because Whole30 at a retreat is going to be an all-new experience to be sure! No cafeteria food for me! Then to pack it all up!! I hope we have nice weather for that weekend, because it would be very nice to do some hiking too, in the woods. Could go either way on that one. Today, it was about 65 degrees at lunch time, and then by the time we left this evening, it was in the low 40s!

:: Guess that's all I've got!! Happy weekend to you all! Are you doing anything fun for the Super Bowl?

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