:: My day, I really have no words for it. Hectic and crazy and stressful just don't do it justice. It was 8:30 am and then I looked up and it was 5:00 pm. And I'm not even sure what I did. But it was a lot! And involved two meetings, one of which was an hour and a half long. We have one out on vacation this week, and I am covering for her. We had one call in because of the bad weather, and that left me one designer and a brand new designer. She jumped in and helped where she could. Tonight, I miss wine.
:: We woke up to our town covered in snow and sleet...the drive in to work wasn't so bad, but by lunch it had gotten a bit slippery and our commute home this evening was very icy and we went through the country. We didn't get home until about 7:25 after our workout, and it was too late to cook -- so I made grilled cheese for the family and a salad topped with egg salad for me.
:: Please say a prayer for my poor Mom -- she broke her shoulder today, and sprained her ankle :( She'll be meeting with a specialist soon to see what next steps are. She and Randy have had such bad luck health-wise for about a year now, and they need lots and lots of prayers.
:: I'm in my last week of Whole30 -- next Monday is my last day. I am so happy to be where I am right now. I feel great! And am loving the changes I see in my body. People tend to think that I have this amazing will power, but honestly -- I love rules. I love knowing exactly what I can and can't eat. It makes life really easy for me, even though it looks really hard to outsiders. So, now, in one week I will come to a point where my RULES GO AWAY. That is when it gets hard for me. Because I have to decide what to bring back, and some of those things do not do me any favors. From my past Whole30s, I have learned that in addition to sugar, corn is my downfall. Corn chips, popcorn. They just make me want more more more. And once I am off the wagon, I go way off. I have a hard time treating myself, because I just want more. So, these are the things I struggle with.
:: A few of us "healthy" women at work are going to put together a Lunch & Learn, and we had a meeting today. Discussed what we'd be able to bring to the table. In general, I am going to go over how to read a nutrition label and decipher the ingredient list, how to cook one meal each night, but break it up so it suits the needs of multiple people, how to make healthy versions of things like mayo and ranch dressing. I am looking forward to this!!
:: I'm behind in my reading for book club -- need to fit a good chunk in this evening.
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