February 24, 2015

:: The roads were worse this morning -- very icy. We went through the country and made it safely to the office. We took our lunch and ate there, just to be safe. Thankfully, this evening when we left, the roads were clear of ice. So back to normal for a bit, but more snow is on it's way later this week.

:: I made a big photo order over the weekend and am very excited to get them. Over 300 of my own photos, and the rest of the photos for the scrapbook I'm working on. They shipped today, so I should be getting them in a few days.

:: Had a great workout this evening -- some cardio on The Beast, and then arms and legs. Felt good! I was even given a compliment at the gym tonight -- Alvino told me that my shoulders are starting to look defined. Woop!!

:: My coworker Allison is currently at Disney World -- she ran her first half marathon there, and then is spending the week at the park. I asked her to bring something Eeyore back for me, and she sent me a few pics today of things to choose from. :) Yay! I picked a mug, it is super cute!! Sweet, sad little Eeyore donkey :)

:: The Unbroken story has gotten much better, after I got out of the war section. There was just too much detail there for me! The part after that they are stranded in the ocean in a raft surrounded by sharks for a very long time, and then the part after that they are captured by the Japanese. These parts are very interesting. I don't know how the story ends, but we shall see!

:: I downloaded a majong game :) Still love my solitairre, but need something else to alternate :) Good mindless interaction to keep my brain active and alive! And to zone out and not think.

:: Off to read!

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