July 19, 2015

A Beautiful Weekend

I love weekends!!

I have to share this pic -- look at those gorgeous crepe myrtle bushes!! All the rain we've gotten surely has everything green and blooming! These two bushes used to be trees...the tree portion died, and we almost wrote them off. And then this!! We have this set and another set on the other end of the house, and they are making beautiful book ends to our yard. God is a fantastic artist!!

Friday evening, it was time to celebrate!! Chris has officially been named the Chief Product Officer (CPO) for a company called Passare!! This is a huge promotion for him, and a challenging new position. Passare is a company that FDLIC's mother company, Directors Investment Group, has acquired this year. It is a start-up technology company that has created a platform for funeral directors and consumers to work together. Kind of complicated to explain, and it is still fairly new so there is a lot to still determine and figure out. They have a great team in place, and we are certain that after a few years of dedicated work, Passare will be a big success. What does this mean for Chris? He will still office out of our building here in Abilene, but he won't have any day-to-day dealings with FDLIC business. However, since he is part of the mother company, he will continue to have the same benefits, etc.

I am extremely proud of my hubby!! He has worked hard for many years to set himself apart from the rest, and he is an amazing leader! I wanted to celebrate this big step in his career, so I made dinner reservations for us Friday evening at Copper Creek. They have an online reservation service, and in the notes I requested that they have a bottle of champagne waiting for us at the table on arrival. I think Chris was surprised and excited to see it waiting there! :) We had a lovely dinner and talked about a lot of different things...and sharing the bottle of champagne was icing on the cake!! I made a little toast to him, and it was just perfect! Congratulations to my amazing man!!

After dinner, we stopped at The Mill to have some drinks with Alex and John...that was also an enjoyable time with good conversation. They are both single men in their twenties, looking for the spouse that God has for them...it is interesting to hear their perspectives! On the drive home, we listened to some Ed Sheeran, and when we got to the house, we left the car running and got out to dance in the driveway! It was quite a romantic moment. Love my guy!

Saturday, Chris and I had a much-needed relaxing day. We slept in a bit, then headed to have breakfast burritos at La Polular. Yum! Then we stopped at the farmer's market (local pork sausage and red potatoes). From there we went on a donkey search but didn't have much luck. So it was then to the flea market where we pet some puppies and I enjoyed a mango sno cone. It was very nice to unwind a bit and just go wherever the wind blew us!

Afterwards, Chris embarked on the adventure of installing our new dishwasher...it will be quick and easy, they said. Hmm. My poor hubby worked on this all day Saturday :( Taking out the old dishwasher and installing the new dishwasher was no treat. If we would've known, we surely would have paid for delivery and installation!! But, we now have a beautiful new dishwasher and I am sooo happy to not hand wash any longer!

Sunday, today, is my grandma Gene's 90th birthday!!!! She has been such a big blessing to me throughout my life, and I thank God for her daily! I love you Grandma!! Hope you had a beautiful day!! Wish we could have been there for your yummy lunch!!

I was able to finish my book club book this weekend, and I liked it quite a lot. It was a very good story! I picked up this little gem to read next:

I have read a lot of wonderful reviews of this book online through different blogs, so we shall see what it's all about. I am, overall, a fairly "tidy" person. I am not necessarily a "clean freak", but I like things in their place and I don't like clutter. I am looking forward to seeing how this can improve my life even more!! While my house probably seems tidy to most, the closets, drawers, scrapbook room, etc are definitely not (out of sight, out of mind!!). I can see this book making some impact there for sure. I will keep you posted!!

Hope you all have a great weekend ahead!! Ours looks fairly quiet (yay!!) and then this coming weekend I will host the two-day scrapbook retreat at out house...so excited and ready for that!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Grandma Gene!

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