January 01, 2020

My One Word for 2020

I always like to give a lot of thought to my new year ahead...and since this act of choosing One Word to focus on has been working for me, I'm going to continue with it!

My word for 2020 is DEEPER.

Before I moved into my new, remote role at work in July 2019, I had been living with a lot of stress that actually became a bit debilitating for me. Now that I am on the other side of it, I can see just how it affected my life -- as a coping mechanism, I started to distance myself from everything and kept everything on a very surface level. I was moving through life keeping everything at arm's length, just trying to make it through. I felt like I was drowning slowly.

Now that I am in a much healthier place and living with much less stress, I realize this about myself and see how it has affected aspects in my life. And I know I need to be intentional about putting in some good work on going deeper.

I want to go deeper in my relationship with God...I want to go deeper in my marriage by getting more real and transparent...I want to go deeper in my relationship with friends and family...I want to go deeper in my relationship with myself.

I want to transcend past the surface level. It will be uncomfortable for me. I don't do well with that. I need to get past that and do the work.

Here's to 2020 and everything it holds!!

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