Just sharing another cute one of Mr. Ocho...peeping through the grass while he chewed on a toy. He's got so much personality...and he's definitely ruling the roost. Our boxer Foster and our other chihuahua Little Man growl at him when he tries to take their toys, but then they give it up. So Ocho pretty much knows that what he wants, he gets!
Gave him his first bath Saturday...he did NOT like that one bit. And then he shivered for about a solid hour afterwards. I wrapped him up in a big fuzzy towel and held him for a long time, and he just fell asleep that way...
Got my brown/pink polka dot dog bag from UPS today! It's going to take awhile for him to get used to being in there...but we'll get there! So so cute!
*** Warning *** Graphic image below...look at your own risk!

When he sleeps, he SLEEPS! (Just ignore that little manly part!!)
He's already growing...I can tell a difference in him. That baby puppy face that he had when we got him is already thinning out, and his body is getting a little longer...he's still adorable, just not such a roly poly pup...
So...anyway...just wanted to share some more pics of him...
In other yada yada...
:: Tomorrow is 6-6-06...that kind of freaks me out. I vote we just skip past tomorrow totally. Remove the day from the calendar. It's just too eerie. And then I see that the new remake of The Omen is starting tomorrow too! That is just too much. How long were those movie people been planning this???
:: Aspen's first day of basketball camp seems to have gone well...it goes through Thursday, when there will be a little "show and tell" for us parents to attend. I'll be attending solo, and will need to use the "film" camera to get some shots...since Chris took the digital with him. No digital also means no picture of Ocho in his little bag!! Oh, how digital spoils us...
:: There is nothing on tv anymore! Summer tv sucks! (well, except for my So You Think You Can Dance show!!). I guess that really just frees us up to actually have a life though, huh?
:: I wish I could be one of those laid back, nothing-bothers-me kind of girls...sometimes I feel so high-strung. I wish I could be a free spirit...
:: Have you read the newest Harry Potter? I'm about halfway through and I'm loving it!!!!
Okay, better make something of my night!
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