August 03, 2010

four things

:: Had a long day yesterday, but it was good. I did training most of the day, and then Jeff and I took the trainer and his wife to dinner. We had a productive chat, and I got home around 8:45. Yummy chinese food for dinner, and then home to watch the Bachelorette finale!

:: Chris and Aspen were already well into the show, so I had to watch the recording by myself in our room. I thought it was a really good finale, and I love how Ali treated Chris at the end...that she respected him enough to let him go the day before, before their date and the ring shopping and the big anticipation before seeing her at the finale. She saved him from all of that and I think he sincerely appreciated her doing that. I am happy she picked Roberto, I liked him from the very beginning. They are cute together and I hope they end up making it last. Won't one of the couples please make it last????

:: Tomorrow, August 4th, is my 3rd anniversary with Chris!!! It seems like the three years has truly flown by, especially the last year. We were together for four years before our wedding, so it's really now been seven. Crazy!! He is the love of my life and I am looking forward to the rest of our days together...

:: I need to do some reading for a book study tomorrow, and catch up on a few things. I feel a bit scattered!!!

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