August 24, 2010

today's thoughts

:: Aspen, 14 years old, on her first day of 9th grade...a big Freshman in high school!

:: We are reading all the info on the P90X workout program, and whew...there is a booklet for the workout and a booklet for the nutrition. Should be interesting. I am a little perturbed though...they have a P90X sports drink and protein bar that they highly recommend you use as supplements...and when I looked them up online, yes, the first ingredient is fructose. What is the point of sticking to the very strict nutrition plan that they expect if they are just going to pump you full of sugar every single day with their products? No thanks. I'll be following the plan without their products. And Chris has informed me that he won't be following the plan! We'll hopefully be starting soon, and in 90 days, hopefully I can be posting my Before photos and my amazing After photos to go along with them!!

:: Our new graphic designer is doing great! I have been training her the past two days and I think she will be a great addition to our department. She'll do just fine with the work, and she is already fitting in quite well...

:: Time for some delicious homemade tuna casserole, and need to do some reading for my book study tomorrow...

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