March 23, 2006


A little proof (like you didn't already know) that I am not perfect...

I'm a perfectionist in a lot of ways. This, obviously, is not one of those ways.

I was doing so good! I made a new year intention that I would make my hands look good all the time...painted nails, filed nails, soft cuticles...and for awhile, I did so good! I was so impressed with myself!

Until I looked down today and saw this. What a disgrace! I can't believe I even leave the freaking house!!!!

My friend, Jackie, I'm sure is cringing beyond words at these pictures. She's one of those girls that can not stand chipped nail polish. Oh, aren't these fingers a sight to behold????! I apologize, my friend!!

Not only that, but I nearly sliced the tip of my finger off today! Cutting a stupid orange!!! So now matters are even worse due to the unsightly bandage. Oi.

Just wanted to share my imperfection...we all like to pretend that we only have good qualities, and man, that just ain't so...


SuburbanMom said...

Yeah, I never paint my nails. I do too much stuff with my hands...I think it's a good thing your hands look like that! Busy hands.... :)

Anonymous said...

Take pride in those chipped nails! They show you've been working and livin' life!

Kim :) said...

You are cracking me up Girl!!!! *Laughing* I'm not even going to think about taking a picture of my hands right now!!

If this is something you want to work on, jump back on that intentions band wagon and start today! Today, is ever to late!!

Pammylew said...

You are such a hoot!!!! Just think, you could have hands like mine that are all jacked up from that weird skin problem that makes me look like a burn victim and the docs can't seem to find a cure for!!!! UGGHHHH!!!!!
If I know you, you will have your nails all fixed up very soon!

Anonymous said...

My nails looked like that last week....hubby insisted I go get them done, lol!!!

Jackie said...

I still love you with your ragged fingernails!!

My cuticles aren't' that great, either. I keep the polish up, but now with a child, the cuticles aren't what they used to be!

Cory said...

I think I have that same nail polish. And it usually looks just like that too!!! At least I'm not the only one that forgets to take it off.

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