May 14, 2006

this and that

So...another weekend comes to a close...they always go so fast. This was our first "free" weekend in quite some time. No traveling, no tournaments, nothing. Home, with some time for relaxing. It was quite nice, really!

:: Above is a flower in our front yard...just snapped it on a whim, it turned out so vibrant. The fuschia and the orange are almost undulating...I did not color adjust this one at all...

:: Actually talked Chris into spending some time at Target Friday evening...woo hoo! Got a few things with my gift card, like this skirt for work (mine is a shiny gray), and also found a few other things that I passed on. Would love this great hammock. Really thought about buying a set of fabulous pink/green woven baskets, but decided against it. But truly, I think I'm going back this week to get them! They are too ME to pass up. Also really wanted a little case to use as a little container for scrapbooking...passed on it though, as I didn't REALLY need it...Chris and I almost bought a little gnome for our garden, they are so cute and they also remind me of my favorite movie, Amelie...maybe another time...(alas, I could not find pictures of the baskets, tool case, OR gnome!!)

:: This is my very first scarf that I knitted!! It's complete! I mailed it to my mom for Mother's Day, I think she liked it. It wasn't perfect by any means, but she mentioned that she would be proud to have my very first I'm onto my next scarf, and I'm loving it! Will post a picture soon...I must say, I am quite proud of myself for leaning something new!!

:: Attended a graduation luncheon for my friend Angie's daughter...she just graduated from college and is moving to Dallas to try to model for awhile. She's drop dead gorgeous, I know she'll do great. Was nice getting together with friends and celebrating such an achievement...

:: Chris' cousin Matt came into town and we spent the evening with him. It was my first time meeting him, he seems like a great guy. Went to a catfish place for dinner, it was yummy. Speaking of yummy, I had way too much food this weekend.

:: Was able to get some things organized in my scrapbook room, cleaned out some supplies, etc. Also managed to clean out my closet, which was a disaster area. I couldn't even walk into it any longer. Both are in order now, meaning that Kelley is a happy girl...

:: Katherine, who took her blog down for 5 days, is now back up and running...oh how I missed her! Glad to have her back!

:: We took Mimi out for lunch for Mother's Day (everyone in town had the same idea)...started out for Olive Garden but ended up at Zookini' was a nice afternoon together...

:: This week, I'm putting together the finishing touches for my crop that I'm hosting this coming Saturday! Can't wait!!! I have everything pretty much ready, just need to finalize what games I'm playing. Then I'm all set!!!

:: Gave Little Man and Foster baths today. Boy do they smell good now! And they are sooo soft. They certainly received extra petting today because of that!!

:: I ordered the latest Harry Potter book on a used copy for $6, and couldn't resist...I've been wanting to read it but just haven't been willing to spend $20 for that big ole hardback...I know...I'm a cheapass...

:: Speaking of cheapass...I need to win the lottery so that I can go on a shopping spree at Express. I hardly ever go in this store, because I'm just not willing to spend that much money on clothes. But man. We went in there over the weekend, and I found at least three things that I would love to have. Shirts for work. I'm just not willing to pay $40 for a shirt. Chris said he was taking notes, so that he can go back and get them for me at some point...since HE isn't a cheapass! :)

Now, it's almost time for bed...and then another Monday is upon us. I'm going to paint my fingernails and then hit the sack...


Kim :) said...

Very pretty picture! :) Great eye.

Looks like you had some fun shopping time this weekend! I think you should go back for the baskets at Target. :) The Gnome sounds like a must have to me as well!!

Looking forward to the crop this weekend! I've got to get some stuff organized to bring first, but I am mentally ready for it!!

Hope you have a great Monday. :)

SuburbanMom said...

Love the scarf girlfriend! and you are so sweet for mentioning me :)

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