October 05, 2014

baber weekend

:: Winding down this Sunday...we accomplished a lot this weekend!

:: Friday evening, Chris and I had a date night! We had sushi at Tokyo and then walked around Target for a bit. And then, we headed to the movie theater to see Gone Girl! It was so good! Probably the only movie I have seen that was that close to the book. I was not disappointed! I thought the female lead was perfect; the casting of Ben Affleck was a bit iffy for me, but he did a good job. It was hard to get past it being Ben though, and a less known actor might have been better (for me anyway).

:: Saturday, I went and got my oil changed and hit the Natural Food Store...Chris and Neeley worked on the second flagstone patio in the back yard. Chris then had to work from 1-3, and then he and Neeley worked on the patio some more. Meanwhile, I washed our rugs, and worked on preplanning for the next crop. I currently have every single printed photo planned for a page, and should get those done at the crop. That is a huge accomplishment!!! Then, I can focus on getting the rest printed (it's a lot) and finishing those. After that was done, I worked on my Project Life album. It is tedious recreating it, but I was able to get 22 weeks of the 52 redone. I'll just plug away. I am trying out My Publisher; you download software and work on it from your computer. Then you upload the finished album and they print it. We shall see.

:: That evening, we had dinner with Aspen at Cotton Patch and caught up. We literally hardly see her, so it was nice to spend a little time together. And an added bonus -- she paid for dinner! That was a surprise, and much appreciated!

:: Sunday, church and chores...and Chris and Neeley finished the patio! It looks amazing!!

:: So this coming week, I've got bunko on Tuesday! Wednesday I have a dentist appointment and am getting my hair done that evening. Beyond that, I should receive my new glasses on Tuesday!! Can't wait -- hope I love them!

:: This evening, I had to order a new case for my Kindle -- mine broke and I couldn't find one in town. So I ordered it from Amazon and also found some new brown riding boots. I've been looking for those for awhile, and finally pulled the trigger on these. I wanted them to have a bit of a heel -- my old ones are flat and I don't like that as well. Should get this shipment later in the week hopefully!

:: Time to relax!!

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