December 22, 2014

:: The office was a bit quiet today...lots of people finishing up the rest of their vacation time for the year. As the year continues to draw closer to the end, there will be less and less people there...and that I am looking forward to! I love the quiet quiet days.

:: Mimi had lunch today with a man named Lupe who fancies her :) She went to get her hair done, and he is in there sometimes. Especially if he knows she will be coming in! He has also asked her to go out New Year's Eve!

:: I had to take Ocho to the vet this afternoon after work. He just hasn't seemed right. He had some stomach trouble about two weeks ago (he tends to), and that came and went but he was still acting odd. Turns out, his knee was out of place! Dr. Bolt put it back, and put him on some anti-inflamatory meds to help it. He says it is painful when it pops out, but once it is out is doesn't hurt. It just limits his movement. He said that he could also be having a little hip problems, because his hips are very skinny and there is not adequate muscle there. He gave me some chews to try, to help build up the cartiledge there. We got home and he is a new boy! Picked his ball up and wanted to play right away! It's good to see our boy so spunky again. We just need to be careful that it doesn't pop out again.

:: The book I'm reading right now is a bit s-l-o-w. It's an autobiography about Ben Carson, the famous neurosurgeon who separates conjoined twins. I'm not yet halfway, and it is just not holding my interest. I go days without reading. I'm hoping that once we get to the things he is famous for, it will pick up. All this back story is slow.

:: Today, my friend Allison gave me a donkey cookie cutter!!! :) Perfect gift! Also, two homemade cinnamon rolls from the Pioneer Woman's recipe. Can't wait to eat those up!! Breakfast tomorrow?

:: Time to relax!!!

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