January 02, 2015

A Friday evening at home!

Our ice melted off (for the most part) but now it has been raining for awhile. And the temperature is below 30, so I suppose we will have more ice in the morning.

The drive in to work this morning was a bit treacherous, but the new Fusion did really well. I was impressed! Chris came to the office about an hour later to work out, and his truck wasn't so good in it. Yay Fusion! I had to go half of my journey through the country, and those roads were solid ice. But, I made it safe and sound.

On my icy drive in this morning, I witnessed an armadillo crossing the icy road -- that was more entertaining than it should have been to be sure!! He slipped across and went this way and that...and then slid down to the shoulder with a thud. I was cracking up! I also had two foxes cross the road in front of me. (Speaking of foxes, we had a fox show up on our back porch last night while we were eating dinner. We watched him lapping up some water from the melting ice, and then he sat there a minute before wandering off.)

After work, I ran to the grocery store. We were nearly out of food, after being iced in for a few days. I picked up some necessities and made a quick, easy dinner when I got home. This weekend, I would like to have some sushi!!!!!!!!!! Please work with me weather!!!

That's about all I've got -- we are going to watch a movie I think, here in a half hour or so. Until then I will putter :) Happy weekend to you!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ice, ice go away...also stay away from St. Louie...PTS

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