July 28, 2015


:: I forgot to tell you the best story from yesterday!! So, like I mentioned, I stopped by Katie's house to look at her clothes and then made my way to the grocery store. On the way, I got stuck in some traffic that was caused by an accident. Finally made it to the store, and you know how that went. Mass chaos from the moment I set foot in the door. Well, I made it through produce, and had traveled two rows down, which was the health-food aisle. Completely empty aisle. Only empty place in the whole store. I wanted to sit down and just rest there for a moment!! I was looking at some protein bars at one end, and for some reason looked up...and there, rounding the corner and making his way down the empty aisle was my sexy hubby! He was totally out of context and I couldn't imagine why he was there...but he totally made my day because right at that moment I felt so overwhelmed!! He had dropped some things off at the bank, which is right by the store, and decided to stop in and find me! Ah! Love him. God is good, because I almost went to a different store, knowing Market Street was probably going to be crazy. But at the last minute changed my mind. I would have missed out on that fun experience!

:: Today, at lunch, we had our July book club meeting! We discussed The Sweetest Thing, and everyone really enjoyed it. I am going to look for other books written by the same author, I really like her style. For August, we are going to read Freakonomics, which should be interesting! Apparently it is short essays on weird stuff that'll make us think. I'm going to also (finally) begin reading Girl on the Train! I've been wanting to start for months now, but the book club book has been taking me so long to read each month (I'm not the fastest reader!). I think with this month's choice, I can read both. I'm going to give it a shot! I am also in the process of making a list of books I want to read, whenever anyone mentions a good one or I see something featured on social media. I'd love to hear any suggestions from you as well!

:: Speaking of books...my mom and I were discussing them today -- I love the smell of new books, but I can't really handle the smell of library books. She likes the smell of both. Sucks for me, because that just means I have to spend more money!

:: I've got some fun times ahead! Kim and I are having a girl's night on Wednesday, and on Thursday Chris and I are having dinner and fellowship at Jon and Nadene's. AND THEN!! Friday, after work, Chris and I are heading out on our Anniversary Trip!! We will be spending six days in Fredericksburg and we can not wait!!! ** I should warn you now...I will NOT be blogging during our vacation...I plan to unplug from almost all technology!! But I will have so much to share when I return!

:: Speaking of anniversary! Chris and I received our sweet gift from my Mom and Randy! The 8th anniversary is pottery or bronze...and she came up with this cute idea! A beautiful green pottery frog...and she wrote a little note that hung around his neck that said, "She kissed the frog, and he turned into the Prince! The fairy tale came true!" She is so right...I definitely married a prince!!!

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