March 07, 2016

A Week Begins

:: Currently, I have 7235 steps for the day. On yoga days, it is difficult for me to get close to 10,000 since I don't get many steps in yoga. Oh, but I enjoy it so! I felt so relaxed afterwards, and I almost fell asleep on our last 5 minutes where we lay and breathe and listen to a worship song. My very favorite part. So, not as many steps, and I am A-ok with that.

:: I worked on getting things ready today, for my new hire -- he starts on Wednesday! Cleaned his cubicle and got some supplies collected for him. Ordered a few things that he'll need. Unfortunately, Jeff and I didn't order his computer until Friday, and we were told it will take up to 2 weeks for it to arrive! Whoops. It's rare to have a new hire that is a new position...not someone replacing someone else. We didn't even think about it! But, it will be okay. Aaron will be spending a lot of his time with me, training. So he doesn't technically need it yet.  :)

:: I took my new green Kohl's blouse to the dry cleaners today -- it came folded in a plastic bag, and I have been unable to get those deep set wrinkle folds out!! Hopefully the cleaner will have better luck. I want to wear my new shirt!!

:: It was a little misty today -- gray and gloomy. Didn't get much rain, but it is supposed to rain the next few days. Not fun.

:: For book club, we are reading The Illegal Gardener...I'm a good ways in now, and am enjoying it! It is a nice, easy read...

:: Our graphic designer, Vanessa, is back from her 2 week vacation in the Philippines and it was great to see her! She brought me the sweetest donkey souvenier -- a cute donkey head on top of a wine cork! It says "I Heart Cebu" on it. Just perfect! Her husband also started working with us today -- he is a new employee of Passare, the company my husband works with. Will be fun to have him around!

:: I finished my first week's pages in my new Project Life app on my phone! Very excited about this!! Awhile back, I worked on a digital project life type album on Winkflash...and then they were bought out and my project was lost...right at the end, when I was almost ready to purchase the book for the whole year. Grrr! I've always been intrigued with Project Life, but it seemed too difficult to keep up with and keep current when doing it the old fashioned paper way. This app is awesome! I can create the pages, do the journaling, everything right from my phone (which is where my photos are anyway). Then I can send them to a print vendor, and they are delivered as a finished page that can go right into my album. Yippie!!! The concept of Project Life is to capture all those little, everyday things that occur -- things that don't warrant a full scrapbook page in your regular albums, but things that are fun to look at when combined with all the other little things. I'm quite fond of the little things in life :)

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