March 14, 2016

Manic Monday

:: That Lemon Shine stuff worked GREAT!! All of my plastic utensils, which were black but had become white and chalky, are looking brand new! Whoop!! This makes me very happy!

:: Crazy busy day, and more training...also had a long meeting...5:00 was a blessing! My mind is spent.

:: I did yoga at lunch today and that was great! Then after work, while I waited for the runners, I did my weekly errands. Picked up Ocho's dog food, picked up my new shirt from the dry cleaners, and stopped at Walgreens to get some snacks for our weekend trip to Decatur. I have books and magazines and coloring books and knitting...hopefully that will be enough to keep me busy all those hours between seeing Chris on the 50 mile course!

:: If I end up selling everything that people have claimed from my Instagram sale, I'll make about $130 so far! Woo hoo! Hopefully more will sell, we shall see. This decluttering this is pretty awesome!

:: Tonight I made beef stroganoff for dinner (my fave!)...pairing it with a salad. Waiting for Chris to get done cutting the grass so that we can eat! :)

:: And for a Monday, that is all I've got...until next time!

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