August 08, 2016

The Week Begins

:: We are enjoying the Olympics here...gymnastics is my favorite, though I don't really feel like this team of girls is that electric. Not yet anyway. I am hoping to feel some goosebumps soon! It was fun last night to watch Phelps swim in the relay...I hope he has great success in all of his races and I am excited to watch. As for the rest...if I catch it, I catch it. I wasn't too fond of staying up until 11:00 last night with the gymnastics...this old lady needs her beauty sleep!!!

:: Slowly working to get my eating back under control...last week I cut out sugary junk (except when we were in Fredericksburg!) and this week I am cutting out corn products. I know that corn is my trigger, and I am hopeful that after this week I will feel much better overall. Gotta get down a bit in the weight because only about 1/4 of my closet fits currently.

:: I'm still making my way through Gilmore Girls season's kind of cheesy but kind of cute too. I'm enjoying it!

:: I finished the book was okay. Not fantastic, and the story itself was a bit off to me. Not one that I recommend.

:: But, I started our new book club book! Sidney Chambers and the Shadow of Death -- it's a mystery set in England! I'm excited to see how this one goes!!

:: I've been working on the technical side of my Etsy shop -- having to get the name registered with the county clerk and also have to apply for a sales tax permit. I need to get both in place before I put my eBook into the shop.

Off to enjoy some time with the hubby and the Olympics!

Check out my Etsy shop!

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