This is the beautiful Dronda Louise...otherwise known as my PTS (Part-Time Sister)...I have known this wonderful woman my entire life. Her family lived next door to my parents when I was born, and her mom was my babysitter. Her parents became like family to me, and she became like a sister to me. She has always been, and will always be, a part of my life in a very special way.
She is giving... creative... funny... thoughtful... inspiring... dedicated... loyal...
She has the best handwriting...she loves her Dt. Coke...she's a Moody Blues groupie and shared their concert experience with me...she shares my passion for capturing memories through scrapbooking (in fact, she and her mom are the ones that inspired ME to begin!)...she loves animals...she and I enjoyed many Cardinals games while I was growing up...she lived with me through my annoying teen years and still loves me...she has been a part of every one of my life milestones and has made them special for me...I don't get to spend nearly enough time with her...
Her presence on this earth has blessed my life immensely...I am a lucky girl to have a PTS like Dronda...
I wish for this to be your happiest birthday ever...the year ahead filled with only happiness and good things...the best Dronda yet...
I love you!!
What a very sweet post!
Happy Birthday Dronda!!
I hope you have a wonderful day. I recall hope to get to meet you soon!
Happy Birthday!
Thanks Kel ~ I have a tear in my eye reading that. I have to say I think you nailed me. And you have been there for me ~ always. Thanks for the wishes!
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