May 26, 2006

on my mind

:: The weekend is almost here! One more day of work to get through and then it's smooth sailing baby!

:: Got a package in the mail today from Winkflash :) 144 pictures, if you'll remember. So excited!!! Love having actual pictures in my hand. And that big ole bundle for only $0.99 cents shipping!

:: It's officially SUMMER is out and the mall was teaming with kids tonight when I went for my walk with Kim. Oh my.

:: "So You Think You Can Dance" is back for a second season!! The first show was tonight and I just love it! Can't wait to watch it every week. I wonder what the winner, Nick, from the last season is doing now??

:: I need to seriously DO SOMETHING about the way I eat and my lack of any physical activity. I can not seem to get motivated and this is seriously bumming me out. How do you all dig deep to find that motivation?

:: Wear your orange with pride this weekend and think positive thoughts about our soccer girls, the Assassins...we need all the positive voodoo you can send our way!

:: Have a super fun and safe holiday weekend!!!!


Kelsgarden said...

OK - so I "dug deep" and found the motivation about a month ago when I received the invite for my 20th HS reunion and realized I was closing in on 40 minus 2

And after an exhilerating (sp?)workout I come home and have nachos with habenero salsa and an ice cream chaser -

it's all about balance -

OK - and 2 tween daughters lookin' me up and down with the 'ol "you're wearing that?" eyeball

I have no motivation - it's all guilt and stress

Kim :) said...

Goo Assassins!!! I will be thinking about you guys and sending all the good/win vibes I can!!

I would love to find the balance between eating and physical activity! I struggle with this myself. I am just thankful for our walks. at least I know three evenings a week I will get SOME exercise!

Hope you guys have a wonderful weekend!

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