August 12, 2010

another quick one

:: Very happy with the SYTYCD finale!! I loved seeing all of the favorite dances again...and must say, Ellen's little appearance/performance was pretty fun! I was happy with the winner, I think Lauren is amazing and very deserving. I was really quite excited, more than anything, so see Russell dance with Lil C!!! I have never seen Lil C dance, and was thrilled! And of course, Russell has always been a favorite...loved it.

:: Not much to report...feeling tired and ready for the weekend. No big plans for our two days off, but that is just fine with me!

:: Kim and I are going to have a movie date Friday evening and we're going to see Eat Pray Love!!!!!! Soooooooo very excited, can not wait. After loving the book so much, I really hope the movie will do it justice...

:: Going to go over some things with Chris now...have a good evening!

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