August 15, 2010

the weekend is about over

:: Kim and I went to see Eat Pray Love this Friday...we were so excited! We both loved the book, and the movie did not disappoint. Obviously, the book was so much better. I loved the book and I read it during a very enlightened time in my life. But the movie did it pretty good justice, and we were very happy with it! I recommend it...

:: Friday evening Chris and I had a lovely dinner together at Mary's, and then went across the street for some mexican ice cream. I was so thrilled, they had big cups of fresh cut fruit, and I opted for a big stash of watermelon. It was delicious and it lasted me for two days!!

:: Saturday, Chris and I did a little house hunting. Just looking. Chris has the bug. Chris always has the bug. I had a secret hope that his trip to Africa would cure him of the "bigger better" syndrome, but Chris is still my Chris! And that's okay, because I love my Chris.
:: Saturday evening, we went through the rest of the 3000 photos from his trip, and he told me the rest of his fun!! Of course, there is no way he can sum up the experience and have any of us fully understand his time there. That will just live in his heart...

:: Sunday, after a very nice church service, we did the grocery shopping and then moved on to chores...the yard for Chris and the house for me. We're about to have some chili dogs for dinner, and then work on some budget stuff...
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!

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