August 29, 2010

fun weekend

I had a fun-filled weekend here!!

:: Saturday was a scrapbook crop at my friend Paula's house, and I had a productive day there. I took my laptop and worked on preparing photos for printing...I got a whole lot done. Had a very stupid moment though...when packing up, I put my cup of water in my laptop bag...set it upright in the car and all was good. Meant to take it out, but forgot. Got home, and Chris was sweet and helped me carry my stuff inside. A few minutes later, I went into the office for something else and noticed the laptop bag laying on it's side...and the water had leaked onto my laptop. It was a long night of taking it apart and drying it all off, and I was very fearful that the thing would be fried. So far, it seems that only the monitor is fried, the hard drive seems to be holding up. Luckily I have a separate monitor and am still able to use it. Stupid stupid stupid.

:: Sunday, we went to the early service at church, and then took off for the Rangers game in Arlington!!! My department at work was given the company's season tickets for today's game, and we loaded up eight people and had a blast. A handful of our members weren't able to go, so at the last minute, Aspen and Kathy's daughter Ivy were able to go with us. We had a really fun day. Here are a few pics:

In front of the company jet...a brisk 25 minute flight and we are there!

Me and Aspen at the stadium.

Kathy and me in our seats...

Faith and Jeff...

Forrest (our pilot) and Susie...

Off to wrap up a few things...but first, a big thank you to my hubby for doing all of the laundry today while I was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the best hubby in the WORLD!!!!!!

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