August 26, 2010

some bullets

:: Chris and I had delightful dinner plans this evening with Mr. Neeley and his beauty Lauren...always good company!!! We also saw Kim and family there, and it was good to get hugs all around. Haven't seen a whole lot of Ms. Kim lately and I miss that girl!

:: If we get to build the new house we are thinking of, I will have my own scrapbook room! And it will be a fairly large space. I am dreaming of this, right in the center...

:: I have a scrapbook crop this Saturday, and think I will work on sizing/color correcting photos all day. I have quite a bit to work on, and don't really feel like dragging all my supplies out. So, will just take my laptop, and possibly my big 22" monitor, and go crazy... :)

:: Still a little cooler here, which we are loving. I will take it as often as I can. My allergies have been doing great and I am so pleased!! They are usually worse at night while I am sleeping because my sinuses don't drain well, but I have been having the best sleep I've had in years. (that could also maybe be because of the glorious tv headphones I bought for Chris for his birthday!!) ;) ha!

:: I am reading "Charlie St. Cloud", and I must say it hasn't been as good as I was expecting. I saw the big "twist" coming a few chapters before it was revealed, and I've just been a tad ho hum on it...guess we will see how it ends up and go from there. Decide then if I want to see the movie.

:: Time to relax!!!

1 comment:

Kim :) said...

It was great getting to see you last night too!

I am loving that little island for a future scrapbook room for you! love it.

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