August 05, 2010

here and there

:: We finally were able to open our gift from my mom and Randy yesterday...she had mailed it so early, and we had to look at the box for days!!! Inside was the most adorable little gift, it made me smile!!!! This was perfect! It was a swarovski crystal wedding cake, and just too cute for's about 2 inches tall. Pure sweetness...and that is sweetness that I can eat :) It was even more perfect because I had necklaces made for the wedding using swarovski mom thinks of everything!!!

:: Chris got some of these glasses with no stems (otherwise known as tumblers, apparently). And I got this adorable ring from Tiffany! I think it is a tad too big, so I may need to return it for a half size smaller. But I love it, it is so cute! More to come in the days ahead...he's waiting on delivery of a few more things, so he'll get the rest of his when the time comes :)

:: SYTYCD - final three has been announced and now I am ready for the finale!!! It's been a good season, but I don't necessarily have a favorite like I have every other season. I like all three that are left. Kent is goofy and an insanely amazing dancer; Lauren is also technically amazing and I really like her; I didn't like Robert at first but he has really grown on me throughout the season, and he is also technically superb. So who knows how it will go!!

:: Chris and I took a nice walk together this evening, once the sun started to go down. 100 degree weather is making us all miserable, but the walk was surely pleasant with the man I love!

:: One more day until the weekend! It's been a long week and I am ready for a little time off...

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