August 08, 2010

our weekend

We had a very nice weekend here...hope you did too!

:: Friday, we had dinner with Neeley and Lauren at Casa Herarra, which was fun...then headed to the bowling alley for a little competition. Good times with friends!

:: Saturday, we went to a funeral for the father of one of Aspen's friends, who has battled with cancer for awhile was the biggest funeral I have ever been to. He was a DPS officer, and there were at least 1oo officers there. It was a touching celebration, and he will be missed. From there, we had lunch/dinner at Famous Daves...mmm, some tasty BBQ! We also went to see Inception with Leonardo DeCaprio. It was pretty good.

:: Today, church was good...we witnessed 7 baptisms, one of whom is a girl that works at the same company we do. That was so exciting to see!

:: Anniversary gifts are trickling in :) In addition to my adorable Tiffany ring that I posted about in an earlier post, I have also been gifted the following:

The pretty flowers, all in gorgeous yellows and oranges...

This fabulous watch...remember back in the 80s when SWATCH watches were so popular?? I know I had one. It was black with gray stripes, and had a guard and everything. They were all the rage :) Well, Chris brought home the catalog from the airplane to Uganda, and they had a whole selection of SWATCH watches in there. And we got to reminiscing about how popular they were back in the day. I laughed and laughed when I opened the box and saw this!! Too cool. :) My very own lime green SWATCH. Maybe I will get a hot pink guard to go with it?

And this...oh, I love this! Mine, obviously, has a "K", and it is so dainty and gorgeous. I had posted a link to this awhile back, and it appears that Chris DOES read my blog :) Ha!

Apparently, there are two more gifts on the way, should be interesting!!

:: Went to an Open House for a new build out in the was very nice, and something we could really see ourselves in. But the two extra bedrooms were so small. Why do they always do that??? It did have a media room with projector, and a nice sized scrapbook room. Really a gorgeous house...I can see it has Chris' wheels turning...oh my.

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