August 09, 2010

today's adventures

Well...our 3rd anniversary is officially over!!! :) We had such a nice one, and I must say, it was pretty fun spreading out the gifts over a week!

To finish off Chris' gifts, below is his leather gift:

A little leather bench for his closet, so he can sit and put his shoes on. He has wanted one of these for years...he used to have a little chair that he sat in, so this fits perfectly in his closet...

And this...because I knew he would absolutely love it!

The single cup coffee maker...and it also does tea and hot cocoa!!

To finish off my gifts, he bought me this oh-so-sweet necklace from etsy...another that I had marked a few months ago on my blog!

This necklace is precious...I am thrilled with it!

And my leather gift...
Isn't it beautiful! I love the color and it's such a sweet little leather purse. Chris likes Kate Spade...he bought me a wallet last year, and now a purse to go with it! Very well made, and I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather have! :)

I also have big news on the homefront...after what seems like many months (many many many many many many months) of Aspen being grounded for her grades, for her lying, and for her sneaky behavior, Chris and I agreed that we have seen some significant effort on Aspen's end and we feel she is trying to better herself. So, we are giving her freedom to her...I pray that she decides to continue making good choices so we all can enjoy life a little more!!!!!

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