August 17, 2010

this and that

:: Whew, I feel worn out this evening. Has been a crazy two days, and I just keep yawning. May try to hit the sack a little early tonight.

:: Aspen requested snow peas this week, which I thought was a bizarre request! We will have them tonight and I am sure she will be thrilled.

:: Finished "Knit Two", the sequel to "Friday Night Knitting Club". It was a decent read, but not nearly as endearing as the first one. Now I am on to "Charlie St. Cloud". Want to read it and then see the movie, if I like the book. Aspen has read and seen the movie, and claims that both are amazing. Looking forward to it.

:: Chris and I are contemplating beginning P90X...I just did the treadmill and nearly couldn't do it for 30 minutes. I am way out of shape. P90X will probably kill me. But those are results that I really want! To fit in an hour workout, we'd have to start getting up at 5:30 every morning...oh my.

:: I think it's time to relax...

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