December 31, 2012

2013 goals

It's funny how the end of a year rolls around and the brain automatically begins to think about the next year and all the areas that need attention. Do you find that? Are you on a constant quest for a better you?

I am one of those people that is pretty content in life -- content with where I am, where I'm going, where I've been, who I am. I'm not one who needs to constantly DO, make better, strive for MORE. But, I do have the ability to try and see myself clearly and know where I have areas in my life that can improve. We all have areas, to be sure!! It is then just a matter of narrowing it down to a few manageable goals. I don't like to be overwhelmed!!

So, for 2013, I plan to focus on the following things:

1. Run a 5K race. This is a weird one for me! As you know, I've started the Couch to 5K program, and it's going pretty well. I am up to running 17 straight minutes now. For me, that is a big accomplishment!!! By the time I finish up the program (which is in about a month or so), I will be running for 30 solid minutes. At my speed, that is not quite a 5K. It's taking me between 11-12 minutes to run one mile, but if I can run 30 I am sure I can run a little longer to finish off a race. I have no desire really to have an amazing time -- this will be more of a goal of "I did it!" regardless of how it plays out. I also have no desire to run longer races or a marathon. I wanted to do this so that I could go out and get a good 30 minute workout in, because I think running is a good way to lose weight and get good cardio. That's about it for me!

2. Clean more. I am a person who likes things to be straight and tidy, but taking the time to actually clean is something I don't typically put a lot of effort into. However, Chris is the opposite! And since his love language is acts of service, it wouldn't hurt if I spent a little more time with a dust rag and a mop.

3. Eat Clean to lower my cholesterol. My cholesterol is quite high, and if it is higher at my next yearly visit, we are going to have to discuss medication. I'm not a big fan of that idea, and plan to get pretty strict with Clean Eating to see if I can bring it down naturally. When I was clean eating before, my cholesterol was near perfect. I would think the jogging would have to contribute to this too!

4.Quiet time every day to pray/read Bible/etc. In the mornings, as I eat my breakfast before everyone else gets up, I tend to get on Facebook and catch up with everyone. I think this quiet time can be much better used by praying and reading my Bible. Quiet time is a rare thing in our household, and I plan to capitalize on it in 2013!

So, four things to focus on. Two will have measurable results -- the 5K and the number of my cholesterol at my next appointment. The other two will be less measurable, but still very doable. Here we go!

As always, I welcome you to leave a comment with a goal you might work on in 2013...I rarely receive comments, but you just never know!!!!!! :) The invitation is always there!

Happy New Year!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

My main goal is to continue with healthier eating and exercise. I'm almost half-way to my total weight loss goal! I would also love to be able to control my diabetes without medication. (I was diagnosed in July.)

A secondary goal is to work out a better system at home so I don't feel overwhelmed by housework and constantly torn between the girls, Kenneth and finding time for myself.

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