August 31, 2010

just a handful

:: Well, last night Chris and I did the Fit Test for P90X...basically, the pre-test to tell where your fitness level is before you begin the three months of pure hellish torture. The Fit Test was rough, I will admit! We are both sore today, just from it. You're also supposed to take "before" photos, and then more photos at the 30, 60 and 90 day marks. We're going to take those this evening (scary, oi), and hopefully begin the program on Monday at the latest. We'll be getting up quite early in the morning before work, to get it out of the way first thing. I am really hopeful for some serious results. I hope to be able to share with you here, in 90 days time, my new hot "after" photos!!!!

:: I'm hosting bunko tomorrow evening at our house, and am looking very forward to it! We look to have a group of 8, so not quite as rowdy as normal! :)

:: We showed our house today, and there is a realtor open house tomorrow morning. Then an open house this Sunday. We'll see how it goes.

:: I realy love Shaq...we enjoy his Shaq Vs. show and he always, always, always reminds me of my step-dad Pat. The body style for sure, but also his personality and humor. It makes me smile. ;)

:: Can't even think of a fifth bullet, so it's not quite a handful!!!

August 30, 2010

more pics

At the crop on Saturday, I worked diligently all day to size and color-correct 160 photos from the shoot with Aspen and Bailey...and I had lots of fun playing with some new Photoshop actions too. Thanks to my friend Kris Noorman (our lovely and talented wedding photographer!) for tipping me off to a few fabulous actions...

My personal favorite is below: :)

I love taking photos!!

August 29, 2010

fun weekend

I had a fun-filled weekend here!!

:: Saturday was a scrapbook crop at my friend Paula's house, and I had a productive day there. I took my laptop and worked on preparing photos for printing...I got a whole lot done. Had a very stupid moment though...when packing up, I put my cup of water in my laptop bag...set it upright in the car and all was good. Meant to take it out, but forgot. Got home, and Chris was sweet and helped me carry my stuff inside. A few minutes later, I went into the office for something else and noticed the laptop bag laying on it's side...and the water had leaked onto my laptop. It was a long night of taking it apart and drying it all off, and I was very fearful that the thing would be fried. So far, it seems that only the monitor is fried, the hard drive seems to be holding up. Luckily I have a separate monitor and am still able to use it. Stupid stupid stupid.

:: Sunday, we went to the early service at church, and then took off for the Rangers game in Arlington!!! My department at work was given the company's season tickets for today's game, and we loaded up eight people and had a blast. A handful of our members weren't able to go, so at the last minute, Aspen and Kathy's daughter Ivy were able to go with us. We had a really fun day. Here are a few pics:

In front of the company jet...a brisk 25 minute flight and we are there!

Me and Aspen at the stadium.

Kathy and me in our seats...

Faith and Jeff...

Forrest (our pilot) and Susie...

Off to wrap up a few things...but first, a big thank you to my hubby for doing all of the laundry today while I was gone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have the best hubby in the WORLD!!!!!!

August 26, 2010

some bullets

:: Chris and I had delightful dinner plans this evening with Mr. Neeley and his beauty Lauren...always good company!!! We also saw Kim and family there, and it was good to get hugs all around. Haven't seen a whole lot of Ms. Kim lately and I miss that girl!

:: If we get to build the new house we are thinking of, I will have my own scrapbook room! And it will be a fairly large space. I am dreaming of this, right in the center...

:: I have a scrapbook crop this Saturday, and think I will work on sizing/color correcting photos all day. I have quite a bit to work on, and don't really feel like dragging all my supplies out. So, will just take my laptop, and possibly my big 22" monitor, and go crazy... :)

:: Still a little cooler here, which we are loving. I will take it as often as I can. My allergies have been doing great and I am so pleased!! They are usually worse at night while I am sleeping because my sinuses don't drain well, but I have been having the best sleep I've had in years. (that could also maybe be because of the glorious tv headphones I bought for Chris for his birthday!!) ;) ha!

:: I am reading "Charlie St. Cloud", and I must say it hasn't been as good as I was expecting. I saw the big "twist" coming a few chapters before it was revealed, and I've just been a tad ho hum on it...guess we will see how it ends up and go from there. Decide then if I want to see the movie.

:: Time to relax!!!

August 25, 2010


:: Oooops, the evening got away from me! Tends to be happening a lot lately. More tomorrow!

August 24, 2010

today's thoughts

:: Aspen, 14 years old, on her first day of 9th grade...a big Freshman in high school!

:: We are reading all the info on the P90X workout program, and whew...there is a booklet for the workout and a booklet for the nutrition. Should be interesting. I am a little perturbed though...they have a P90X sports drink and protein bar that they highly recommend you use as supplements...and when I looked them up online, yes, the first ingredient is fructose. What is the point of sticking to the very strict nutrition plan that they expect if they are just going to pump you full of sugar every single day with their products? No thanks. I'll be following the plan without their products. And Chris has informed me that he won't be following the plan! We'll hopefully be starting soon, and in 90 days, hopefully I can be posting my Before photos and my amazing After photos to go along with them!!

:: Our new graphic designer is doing great! I have been training her the past two days and I think she will be a great addition to our department. She'll do just fine with the work, and she is already fitting in quite well...

:: Time for some delicious homemade tuna casserole, and need to do some reading for my book study tomorrow...

August 23, 2010

quick rundown

:: Mega school supply shopping after work this evening, with 95% of the population of Abilene.

:: Met with our realtor to sign papers for putting our house on the market.

:: Filled out endless paperwork to return to the school tomorrow.

:: Filling out the Seller's Disclosure.

:: Little time left to the evening...more tomorrow!

August 21, 2010

freshman photo shoot

Aspen and her bestie, Bailey, requested that I take some photos of them we headed to ACU and spent about an hour and a half capturing the two of them days before they head into high school as Freshman...ah, the memories!

May their high school years be filled with fun, growth, and good choices, always...

August 19, 2010


:: Sorry for the lack of blog evening got away from me and I have been really tired this week. I'm using different parts of my brain as I train for the future at work, and it is a lot more tiring mentally than I expected!

:: It looks like we will probably be putting our house on the market soon...again. We'll see how that goes!! We have made some big improvements in the last few months, like hardwood floors in the living room and landscaping (including fountain) in the front. A few minor things here and there, and it is ready to show.

:: We have fallen in love with a house we saw a few weekends ago at an Open House. It all came about in an odd way...on the way to church one Sunday, Chris pulled over and we bought a Sunday paper from a corner salesman. We never get a paper. In the 7 years we've been together, maybe 4 times tops?? And then later that afternoon while Chris is browsing through, he comes tearing into the office exclaiming that we need to go and see an Open House. And off we go. The house is beautiful, tuscan style. Everything we want with just a few very minor revisions. So, we wouldn't actually get that exact house, but build one very similar on another lot in that subdivision. It's a country subdivision with lots around an acre in size. So...we'll see. Gotta sell our house first and then move into a rental while it would be built. We aren't going to stress ourselves out trying to do both at the same time, and watch another house we love fall out from under us!!! I will keep you posted...

:: Off to get Aspen from VBS...

August 17, 2010

this and that

:: Whew, I feel worn out this evening. Has been a crazy two days, and I just keep yawning. May try to hit the sack a little early tonight.

:: Aspen requested snow peas this week, which I thought was a bizarre request! We will have them tonight and I am sure she will be thrilled.

:: Finished "Knit Two", the sequel to "Friday Night Knitting Club". It was a decent read, but not nearly as endearing as the first one. Now I am on to "Charlie St. Cloud". Want to read it and then see the movie, if I like the book. Aspen has read and seen the movie, and claims that both are amazing. Looking forward to it.

:: Chris and I are contemplating beginning P90X...I just did the treadmill and nearly couldn't do it for 30 minutes. I am way out of shape. P90X will probably kill me. But those are results that I really want! To fit in an hour workout, we'd have to start getting up at 5:30 every morning...oh my.

:: I think it's time to relax...

August 16, 2010

just a few

:: Had a big meeting today with my boss and our went very well, and there are going to be some changes in the future. Things look promising for my career and I am so excited! More to come, but later...

:: It's weird to have no tv shows on right now...but honestly, very nice!! I don't watch much tv anyway, but it seems to take up so much time anyway. I am happy to enjoy some tv-free time for awhile.

:: Chris and I worked on a budget last night...that is always fun stuff...where does all the money go???

:: Aspen started Cross Country this morning...her first practice as a freshman!!! They are doing easy runs all this week, so it will be a smooth week for her...

:: Time to go and finish off dinner...yummy burgers!

August 15, 2010

the weekend is about over

:: Kim and I went to see Eat Pray Love this Friday...we were so excited! We both loved the book, and the movie did not disappoint. Obviously, the book was so much better. I loved the book and I read it during a very enlightened time in my life. But the movie did it pretty good justice, and we were very happy with it! I recommend it...

:: Friday evening Chris and I had a lovely dinner together at Mary's, and then went across the street for some mexican ice cream. I was so thrilled, they had big cups of fresh cut fruit, and I opted for a big stash of watermelon. It was delicious and it lasted me for two days!!

:: Saturday, Chris and I did a little house hunting. Just looking. Chris has the bug. Chris always has the bug. I had a secret hope that his trip to Africa would cure him of the "bigger better" syndrome, but Chris is still my Chris! And that's okay, because I love my Chris.
:: Saturday evening, we went through the rest of the 3000 photos from his trip, and he told me the rest of his fun!! Of course, there is no way he can sum up the experience and have any of us fully understand his time there. That will just live in his heart...

:: Sunday, after a very nice church service, we did the grocery shopping and then moved on to chores...the yard for Chris and the house for me. We're about to have some chili dogs for dinner, and then work on some budget stuff...
Hope you all had a fabulous weekend!!

August 12, 2010

another quick one

:: Very happy with the SYTYCD finale!! I loved seeing all of the favorite dances again...and must say, Ellen's little appearance/performance was pretty fun! I was happy with the winner, I think Lauren is amazing and very deserving. I was really quite excited, more than anything, so see Russell dance with Lil C!!! I have never seen Lil C dance, and was thrilled! And of course, Russell has always been a favorite...loved it.

:: Not much to report...feeling tired and ready for the weekend. No big plans for our two days off, but that is just fine with me!

:: Kim and I are going to have a movie date Friday evening and we're going to see Eat Pray Love!!!!!! Soooooooo very excited, can not wait. After loving the book so much, I really hope the movie will do it justice...

:: Going to go over some things with Chris now...have a good evening!

August 11, 2010

really quick

:: Today was a long day...up at 6:30, book study at lunch, bunko after work...home at 9:00. That's some fun stuff, but a long day nonetheless.

:: I'm doing a book study with a few girls at work on Captivating, and it is good to be going through this book again. It had such a monumental impact on me the first time, and it is good to have some girlies to chat with this round.

:: Bunko was fun, I enjoyed my time for sure. And sorry granny, but I brought home my own prize yet again :)

:: Watching as much of the SYTYCD finale as I can this evening...may not make it through the whole show, but we'll see what I can see!

:: Long day...I'm calling it done.

August 10, 2010

a list

:: Crazy busy day at work, but all is well...

:: Went on a short walk this evening with Chris...still way too hot at 8:30 pm.

:: Watched the Friends episode about the unagi...

:: Watched Aspen make a few poor choices and then yes, lie about them.

:: Today was Chris' last day of his Sabbatical...tomorrow it is back to the grindstone for him!

:: Going to see Eat, Love, Pray on Friday with Kim! So excited!!!

:: Toying with the idea of beginning the P90X program and waking up at 5:30 to get it in...and trying to talk Chris into doing it with me!

:: That's pretty much all I've got right now.

August 09, 2010

today's adventures

Well...our 3rd anniversary is officially over!!! :) We had such a nice one, and I must say, it was pretty fun spreading out the gifts over a week!

To finish off Chris' gifts, below is his leather gift:

A little leather bench for his closet, so he can sit and put his shoes on. He has wanted one of these for years...he used to have a little chair that he sat in, so this fits perfectly in his closet...

And this...because I knew he would absolutely love it!

The single cup coffee maker...and it also does tea and hot cocoa!!

To finish off my gifts, he bought me this oh-so-sweet necklace from etsy...another that I had marked a few months ago on my blog!

This necklace is precious...I am thrilled with it!

And my leather gift...
Isn't it beautiful! I love the color and it's such a sweet little leather purse. Chris likes Kate Spade...he bought me a wallet last year, and now a purse to go with it! Very well made, and I couldn't think of anything else I'd rather have! :)

I also have big news on the homefront...after what seems like many months (many many many many many many months) of Aspen being grounded for her grades, for her lying, and for her sneaky behavior, Chris and I agreed that we have seen some significant effort on Aspen's end and we feel she is trying to better herself. So, we are giving her freedom to her...I pray that she decides to continue making good choices so we all can enjoy life a little more!!!!!

August 08, 2010

our weekend

We had a very nice weekend here...hope you did too!

:: Friday, we had dinner with Neeley and Lauren at Casa Herarra, which was fun...then headed to the bowling alley for a little competition. Good times with friends!

:: Saturday, we went to a funeral for the father of one of Aspen's friends, who has battled with cancer for awhile was the biggest funeral I have ever been to. He was a DPS officer, and there were at least 1oo officers there. It was a touching celebration, and he will be missed. From there, we had lunch/dinner at Famous Daves...mmm, some tasty BBQ! We also went to see Inception with Leonardo DeCaprio. It was pretty good.

:: Today, church was good...we witnessed 7 baptisms, one of whom is a girl that works at the same company we do. That was so exciting to see!

:: Anniversary gifts are trickling in :) In addition to my adorable Tiffany ring that I posted about in an earlier post, I have also been gifted the following:

The pretty flowers, all in gorgeous yellows and oranges...

This fabulous watch...remember back in the 80s when SWATCH watches were so popular?? I know I had one. It was black with gray stripes, and had a guard and everything. They were all the rage :) Well, Chris brought home the catalog from the airplane to Uganda, and they had a whole selection of SWATCH watches in there. And we got to reminiscing about how popular they were back in the day. I laughed and laughed when I opened the box and saw this!! Too cool. :) My very own lime green SWATCH. Maybe I will get a hot pink guard to go with it?

And this...oh, I love this! Mine, obviously, has a "K", and it is so dainty and gorgeous. I had posted a link to this awhile back, and it appears that Chris DOES read my blog :) Ha!

Apparently, there are two more gifts on the way, should be interesting!!

:: Went to an Open House for a new build out in the was very nice, and something we could really see ourselves in. But the two extra bedrooms were so small. Why do they always do that??? It did have a media room with projector, and a nice sized scrapbook room. Really a gorgeous house...I can see it has Chris' wheels turning...oh my.

August 05, 2010

here and there

:: We finally were able to open our gift from my mom and Randy yesterday...she had mailed it so early, and we had to look at the box for days!!! Inside was the most adorable little gift, it made me smile!!!! This was perfect! It was a swarovski crystal wedding cake, and just too cute for's about 2 inches tall. Pure sweetness...and that is sweetness that I can eat :) It was even more perfect because I had necklaces made for the wedding using swarovski mom thinks of everything!!!

:: Chris got some of these glasses with no stems (otherwise known as tumblers, apparently). And I got this adorable ring from Tiffany! I think it is a tad too big, so I may need to return it for a half size smaller. But I love it, it is so cute! More to come in the days ahead...he's waiting on delivery of a few more things, so he'll get the rest of his when the time comes :)

:: SYTYCD - final three has been announced and now I am ready for the finale!!! It's been a good season, but I don't necessarily have a favorite like I have every other season. I like all three that are left. Kent is goofy and an insanely amazing dancer; Lauren is also technically amazing and I really like her; I didn't like Robert at first but he has really grown on me throughout the season, and he is also technically superb. So who knows how it will go!!

:: Chris and I took a nice walk together this evening, once the sun started to go down. 100 degree weather is making us all miserable, but the walk was surely pleasant with the man I love!

:: One more day until the weekend! It's been a long week and I am ready for a little time off...

August 04, 2010

happy 3rd anniversary

Happy 3rd Anniversary to us! :) Me and my and my best and my soul mate...

The past three years have been, honestly, the best three years of my life. There is something quite special about knowing I get to share my life with an amazing man who is dedicated to making life with me all that it can be. I am honored to share my life with this man who wants to grow as a person and grow as a couple. Every day is an opportunity to grow...

I can not imagine my life without this man...I am so blessed to have found him. And even more blessed that he chose ME!

I love you Chris! Happy Anniversary!!!

August 03, 2010

four things

:: Had a long day yesterday, but it was good. I did training most of the day, and then Jeff and I took the trainer and his wife to dinner. We had a productive chat, and I got home around 8:45. Yummy chinese food for dinner, and then home to watch the Bachelorette finale!

:: Chris and Aspen were already well into the show, so I had to watch the recording by myself in our room. I thought it was a really good finale, and I love how Ali treated Chris at the end...that she respected him enough to let him go the day before, before their date and the ring shopping and the big anticipation before seeing her at the finale. She saved him from all of that and I think he sincerely appreciated her doing that. I am happy she picked Roberto, I liked him from the very beginning. They are cute together and I hope they end up making it last. Won't one of the couples please make it last????

:: Tomorrow, August 4th, is my 3rd anniversary with Chris!!! It seems like the three years has truly flown by, especially the last year. We were together for four years before our wedding, so it's really now been seven. Crazy!! He is the love of my life and I am looking forward to the rest of our days together...

:: I need to do some reading for a book study tomorrow, and catch up on a few things. I feel a bit scattered!!!

August 01, 2010

full weekend

We've had a few busy days...but it's been good!

This is what Chris came home to on Wednesday:

I decorated our bedroom door in a USA theme...with a Welcome Home sign! So good to have him back on US soil...

And thought I would also post a pic of how hairy he was when he got home...he had shaved only once during the trip to Uganda, so this was only about a week's worth of growth. It was the hairiest I had ever seen him though!!

Friday, Chris and I left town around 11:00 to pick Aspen up from cross country camp in Dallas. Got her around 3:oo, stopped at a running store, had BBQ on the way home, and then gave Aspen her birthday gifts from us when we got bedroom furniture! It was time to update her room because her old furniture was kind of "young" and she'd had it since she was a little girl. We bought her some nice black furniture from Target...a desk, a dresser, a shelf unit, and a bedside table. Also a few odds and ends like new frames, a lamp, some cork boards. Her new room looks very cute and grown up...and kudos to Chris for putting it all together! Saturday, we had Aspen's birthday dinner at Red Lobster and came home to an adorable pink/green chocolate cake...

That cute tree is a vinyl sticker that we found at Target, it is so cute!

Her new bedding with her new furry white rug, bedside table, and lamp.

And the sweet polka dot all looks so cute in the black/white with the lime green walls.

:: Be sure to check this link periodically if you're interested in hearing Chris' stories about Uganda...he will have so many of them, and from what I have seen of the photos so far, they are amazing. And we've only touched the surface so far...